Central alarm
The Certas alarm center

The best alarm system is of little use to you if the signals of an intrusion, danger or call for help are not transmitted to security professionals ready to help you. at any time of day or night. The alarm center is at the heart of your security concept. It monitors that your system is working, that the signals are transmitted reliably, it receives alarms, filters false alarms and ensures that the necessary measures are taken, anytime and anywhere.
The main features of the Certas alarm center are as follows:
Intrusion alarm (opening contact, motion detector, exterior protection)
Fire alarm (smoke, heat, CO detector)
Aggression alarm (help call button)
Opening under duress (keyboard code)
Call for help from people with reduced mobility (home based call button)
Calling for help in the event of an elevator breakdown or a problem in a public car park
Lone worker protection (call for help, fall, immobility)
Removal of doubt by video images
Building and industry technical alarms: technical signals, temperature control on refrigeration or air conditioning installation, heating, pressure and liquid level control
Technical alarms alarm systems: line check, cyclic test, function check for components (e.g. public building fire alarm systems)
Security system engagement control (according to time slot, working day and public holiday, remote control)
GPS module signals
Remote control of private buildings (virtual audio and video tour)
Access control with facial recognition by audio and video signal
Alarm plan
Your safety depends on a well-considered concept. Often the security of a building can improve dramatically with a few simple measures. But to arrive at a good overall solution, it is essential to carry out a comprehensive security concept.
In the event of an emergency, everything must go very quickly. This is why Certas pays particular attention to the establishment of instructions when establishing the connection file. All of the instructions established with the customer represent the alarm plan.
This alarm plan governs all the actions of the remote monitoring operator during a real case. Whatever the case, intrusion alarm, smoke emission, technical fault, etc., the measures to be taken are defined in advance.
The list of people to contact in the event of an emergency is one of them.
The establishment of passwords and authentication codes makes it possible to determine how the various actors in this security chain can acknowledge the necessary information.
An intervention plan with the description of the object, the plan to get there, the plans of the building and the information relating to the security system are also part of the alarm plan.
Technical monitoring by Certas
Line monitoring: In the event of a transmission interruption between the security system and the alarm centre, Certas will inform the system installer (to carry out repairs) and a customer representative (to take protective measures required). This information takes place in line with the instructions that have been defined.
Primary channel / secondary channel: Transmission control can be done for the primary channel (for example, in TCP/IP mode) and for the secondary channel (transmission by GSM/GPRS signal).
Interlocking control: The interlocking state of an alarm system can be controlled remotely. The state of the system is compared with the timetable submitted by the customer. If the alarm is not triggered after closing (for example, for a supermarket), Certas will immediately inform the customer following the agreed instructions.
Low battery: If the back-up accumulators for a large system or the batteries of a wireless system indicate that the power reserve is low, Certas will inform the system installer, so that the replacement of the components can be planned at the start. 'advance.